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Fedorov Player index

GM Petrov’s Attacking Ideas in the Openings - Video 5: KID for White
Krasenkow, Fedorov, Bacrot, Iwanow
E90, E70 King's Indian: 5.Nf3, King's Indian: 4.e4
GM Yermo Teaches You Openings! - Sicilian: Richter-Rauser Attack - Part 4
Fedorov, Korzubov, Sobolev, Yermolinsky
B67 Sicilian: Ricther-Rauzer Attack
Sharpen your chess-sense with IM Watson! - Repertoire for Black - The French #17
Mueller, Bogdanof, Fedorov, Rustemov
C00-C19 French Defense
Every Russian Schoolboy Knows: The Rook: the best defender your money can buy - Part 1
Yermolinsky, Fedorov
Attack with LarryC: Centralized Queen leads the charge!
Nisipeanu, Florean, Fedorov, Miezis