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Ernst Player index

GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Part 2
Bernstein, Capablanca, Morozevich, Bratchenko
GM Miguel Illescas - Top 10 Checkmate Patterns - Video 2
Bernstein, Capablanca, Morozevich, Bratchenko
GM Petrov’s Attack the King! - Attack on the h-file and back-rank mate
Schott, Cwiek, Bernstein, Capablanca
B79, D63
Attack with LarryC! Larry on the European Championship 2013 - Part 2 - The Importance of Beating Ernst
Ernst, Kraemer
B90 Sicilian - Najdorf
IM Lilov’s Carlsen Positional Secrets - Part 7
Carlsen, Ernst
Attack with LarryC: The Importance of Beating Ernst
Kraemer, Ernst
B90 Sicilian: Najdorf
Game Of the Week: GM Thomas Ernst vs. GM Andrei Deviatkin
Ernst, Deviatkin
A41 Queen's Pawn Game, Wade Defence
Attack with LarryC: Greek GM Bears Lots of Gifts -  The importance of being Ernst
Geske, Ernst, Kotronias, Xiu