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Tata Steel 2016 - Video Recap - Round 9

Opening: C50, C65: Giuoco Piano, Ruy Lopez: Berlin defense

Player(s): Wey, Navara, Carlsen, Adams

GM Miguel Illescas recaps Round 9. Only two decisive games in round 9, but what a couple of masterpieces! Wei Yi, after 8 draws, finally came out of the shell, showing what he can do when all his amazing tactical skills get triggered. Today Navara, with his characteristic up-and-down performances, played a weird and rather passive game, allowing the Chinese wunderkind to set up a formidable attack. And Wei didn't miss the chance to show how devastating his attacking play can be. Magnus Carlsen played one of his best games today, against the strong English GM Michael Adams. Magnus came out of the opening with a very slight advantage, after playing the Italian game to avoid the Berlin defense. Then he went on to organize an attack with his passed pawns on the queenside, almost ignoring Adams' two passers on the king side. It was amazing to see how cool Carlsen was able to stay, whereas everyone else would have probably panicked with those two monsters menacing to checkmate his king. Kibitzers were analyzing Magnus' moves with the best engines, and there was an uproar when Magnus "missed" one best choice by the engine. Some even called that move (49. b4) a blunder, but it was so human that it almost moved the real chess lovers. Magnus had carefully calculated the rook sac, knowing he was going to unleash his passers with no chance for the Englishman to defend the position. A true masterpiece, that will make it onto a lot of chess publications. Caruana drew his game with the solid Karjakin, and now the gap between he and Magnus is a full point. The group in third, with +1, sees the new arrival Wei Yi, together with So, Giri and Ding. At 50% Karjakin, Eljanov and Mamedyarov. Tomorrow in round 10 Carlsen plays black against Giri, and Caruana has white against Wei Yi. Play starts at 7:30AM EST - 13:30 CET. Meanwhile in Gibraltar Nakamura, Vachier-Lagrave and Anand played the first round of the Chess Festival. It's a Swiss System tournament, so the first rounds are usually easier for the top guns. Hikaru disposed of IM Bellin and Maxime won with FM Shachar. Anand had to settle for a draw against IM Lazerne. Tomorrow round 2. Games start at 9AM EST - 15:00 CET.

Teacher's library (72) C50 C65 Wey Navara Carlsen Adams recap

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Tata Steel 2016 - Video Recap - Round 9

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