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GM Petrov’s Attack the King! - Attacking on the c-file

Opening: B33, B12:

Player(s): Petrov, Jackson, Tsatsalashvili

When is that we have a chance to make the c-file our primary attacking target? Well, mostly when our opponent castles queen-side. The Sicilian is one of the openings in which White tends to castle long, and the first game Marian shows us illustrates such opening indeed. It's imperative when launching the attack, to keep a vigilant eye on the chances our opponents have got of a powerful counter-attack on our kingside! GM Petrov shows us how black was able to attack the c-file, but also how he had to carefully consider all the possibilities of his opponent. A very instructive game for attacking players! In the second game, GM Marian shows us how to use the c-file playing white. In this case, white castled kingside. Therefore, the action on the c-file was secondary for, of course, white attacks the black king on the other side of the board. But is that true? With this game, Marian shows us how important it is to play all over the board, using all our forces to destabilize our opponent's defense! And the game was won attacking the c-file, with the enemy queen unable to hold all the blows that the white pieces kept aiming at Her Majesty.

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Teacher's library (147) OFFICIAL COURSE 15 B33 B12 Petrov Jackson Tsatsalashvili midgame

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