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GM Petrov’s 10 Sharp Lines to become a Blitz Wizard - Intro

Opening: :


In this series, GM Marian Petrov gives you a few tips on how to improve your Blitz game. Marian presents you 10 sharp opening lines you can use to get your Blitz to the next level! It would be best if you chose your opening very well. There are two primary plans: you play something sharp and unusual; in this case, your opponent has to spend time, which if you play a 3 or 5-minute game is a significant advantage even if your line is not great objectively if he finds the best moves; The other strategy is to play some safe universal line, then you can play 10-15 moves very quickly, which will save you time for the rest of the game. A good idea is to play the same lines because you will get a lot of experience, and this will allow you to play faster and understand the opening and even the middlegame ideas better. So for a sharp opening, basically all the gambits are good if you know the ideas. You can play the same moves for universal openings, and with less theory, there is an extensive choice like the London system Closed Sicilian or the Vienna game.

Teacher's library (147) opening

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