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Gashimov Memorial 2015 - Round 4

Opening: B36: Sicilian: accelerated fianchetto, Maroczy bind

Player(s): So, Mamedov

GM Lars Bo Hansen recaps Round 4. "Entertaining draw" is an ozimoron in many sports, but not in chess. Or, at leat, not always.Today we had only a decisive result, but all the games offered entertaining and interesting battles. Carlsen went all-out against Adams, sacrirficing an exchange to get an attack on the open g-file. Adams was able to defend very well and effectively though, not allowing any weknessess to be exploited by the world champion. Short on time, Carlsen went for a repetition of moves. The old foes Kramnik and Anand played a good game too. They know each other so well that a draw was to be expected. Their immense class allowed for a good game though, and it's worth going through it. Mamedov played a bit passively agains So, and the young star gained space on the board. This was enough for Wesley to methodically take advantage of the greater mobility of his pieces and force Mamedov into a won rook endgame. With today's win, Wesley now leads So-lo with 3.5, half a point ahead of Carlsen. One point behind the leader Vladimir Kramnik, then with 2 points Anand and Vachier-Lagrave.

Teacher's library (50) B36 So Mamedov recap

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